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Culture and entertainment

There are many activities that can help you learn new things and to find friends.

Each university takes responsibilities for entertaining its students: amateur theatres, sports sections, creative studios, various clubs. In addition, regardless of the location or size of the city, students will be able to find a museum, cafe or concert to their preferences.

Museums and theatres

More than 35000 museums on different subjects are opened all over Russia. There are repositories of world heritage masterpieces with paintings by Rembrandt, Leonardo da Vinci etc. In almost every city, students have an opportunity to visit houses-museums of famous cultural figures, as well as to look at the Russian ballet school. A pleasant bonus is that museums, galleries, exhibitions, theatres and many other cultural institutions provide students with discounted and sometimes free entrance tickets. For example, there are free visiting days in the Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery, State Russian and Pushkin museums.

Fests and Holidays

Throughout the year, an enormous number of festivals are organized in different cities. On some of them you can not only come as a viewer, but also to participate as performers or even organiser. For instance, the festival «Student Spring» where students from all over the country present their dances, musical and theatrical performances, designer collections of clothes and other masterpieces. In summer, music festivals are held all over Russia, which are not inferior to the European in quality of performers and fun. Here are just some of them: «Manor Jazz», «Wild mint», «Invasion», «New wave». And for culture lovers there is a theater festival «Golden Mask» and a film festival «Kinotavr».


Many universities encourage their students’ hobbies and help them to develop their talents. Each university has various clubs and creative studios. Discussion clubs are also popular, where students learn to form and defend their views and boost skills of oratory. These are discussion platforms where you can get useful experience in future professional life as a public speaker. Many universities hold intellectual games «What? Where? When? » between the teams. Players must within a minute find the right answer to the long question. Topics for questions vary from aircraft design to modern art. Participating in the game, students reveal their creative potential, as well as training erudition and ability to adjust and respond quickly.


Fans of hilarious jokes and acting skills can try their hand in humorous games of the Club of Fun and Resourceful (“KVN” in Russian). Participants compete in funny improvisations, prepared scenes and funny answers to the questions of the presenter and judges. The best teams of universities perform at the All-Russian Major League Games in Moscow which are broadcast on the national television. In addition, there is also an annual summer festival «Vociferous KiViN» which is held on the shore of the Baltic Sea in Svetlogorsk where the teams exercise only in musical humor. 



Volunteers are people who provide free assistance to people in need. In Russia, the volunteer movement is actively developed: students organise charity evenings, participate in garbage collection actions, help in carrying out sport and cultural events. Volunteers can also help their alma-mater (home university). Volunteer associations have been opened at many universities in the country, the foreign student only needs to clarify in the training department or at fellow students, whom to apply to become a participant. In addition to their invaluable help to others, volunteers also improve their personal qualities such as coping with stress and leadership skills. In addition, some volunteer projects provide opportunities to travel to another city or even country. 


Students can usually do sports in university sports complexes for free. Every school also has various free sports sections: football, basketball, volleyball, boxing, swimming and others. As a rule, trainers there are honored athletes and prize-winners of prestigious competitions. Foreign students can easily join the university’s sports teams and perform at different sports games, including international games. In addition, there are many opportunities for outdoor activities in each city. Young people do sports in parks and outdoor areas, ride bicycles and roller skates, and go skiing during winter. Universities often have country recreation centers, where students and teachers can go for a weekend to relax in nature. Themed student trips are organized: subbotniks (on Saturdays people go outside and collect rubbish and leaves etc.), sports, holiday or teaching courses. 


Night life is impressive and dynamic in all cities of Russia, regardless of the number of inhabitants and season. First-year initiation ceremonies are held in September. Usually these are noisy parties with fun contests for students who have just enrolled in. In January the main holiday is the Day of the student which is noisily celebrated in every club in the country. Summer is time for graduation, when the graduated specialists say goodbye to the walls of the university and carefree student life. In addition, many professions have their own special holidays, such as Building Day.


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